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Random thoughts on log4shell

Just as I was with my daily random YouTube video clips watching, I saw one of my subscribed content put up this. This is one of the content I found so far, easier for my to catch up with this vulnerability details. If you prefer read than watch video, there's another online post about the related exploit at fastly is easy to read. Based on the diagram from this article, I think (maybe naively, and maybe it could be sufficient as a mitigation plan, I don't know), having the firewall rules to deny all with allow lists would be the best mitigation option while waiting for a patch. This stop the "query ldap" path at the first phase, thus it won't have a chance to go to the second phase from this vulnerability. Anyway, this log4shell vulnerability has caught attention widely since last week. It has been a disasterous event for IT team. They need to find ways to check if the servers are impacted? Look for automated ways to detect if this log4j library exists in t...

Rename files using power shell

I definitely miss Linux a lot. However, my main working environments are in Windows. It has been 5 years! Just had a call with one of the customers. I need to rename 100+ files. Sigh. During the call, I had time pressure, and I couldn't tolerate with continuous of try and error. So, I used the slowest and safest but human-error-proned way of doing it, rename it manually, one by one. We got silence moment in the call, then we suggested to communicate via email to sync up. Phew, pressure went away. So I did a quick Google search. I have tried to search for this solution for several times, but I never get it right, get it work. Probably I am still unconsciously resisting to PowerShell. Anyway, recently I seems to have more luck with PowerShell! Then, in a few minutes, I finally found the "ultimate" solution! Get-ChildItem *.txt | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name -replace 'a','b' } And then, suddenly I found out, I forgot how to do this in Linux... Sigh. ...

WSL - Window Subsystem for Linux

I am not sure how old is this feature available in Windows 10. Recently, I screened through Turn Window features on or off list again and found this. I got excited, and turn it on. I have to admit, this is the best solution for me as of now, which I cannot install Virtual Box on this laptop for whatever reason or policy. :P I did a search on Google and found this page Install WSL by Microsoft. But it says... You must be running Windows 10 version 2004 and higher (Build 19041 and higher) or Windows 11. I checked my system, it is running at a lower version. :( Well, do you think it would stop me from continue? Of course not! If you have it available in the list, of course it should be ready to use! So I go ahead and enable it. Then, maybe I restarted laptop. In case you want to know how and where to enable it, follow these steps. 1. Open Control Panel 2. Click on "Programs" 3. Click on "Turn Window features on or off" 4. A dialog box pop up, scroll to the end...


看完了這本書,我有種“終於看完了”的感覺。畢竟是自己喜歡的課題,不過因爲有著太多的興趣,還有惰性,這本書在買了五年后才看完,有點過分。不過,至少此刻我可以在自己的checklist裏,劃掉其中一個項目了。開心-ing。 這是一本深入淺出的書。我喜歡作者把歷史、考古、傳説、神話混在一起,寫出他們之間的連接,或吧傳説、神話現實化,邏輯化,因此讓我覺得有種“原來如此”的瞭解。不過,如果真穿越到上古時代,不知道會是怎麽樣的情況。網路小説大都是穿越到架空時代或古代。如果把故事寫成穿越到上古時期,母系社會的時候,會不會可以制止奴隸制度呢?我想遠了。 這支影片是我看了這本書的分享。希望你喜歡。

[有一本書] 老子的部落格 | Lao Tze's blog

我還在想,要不要也在部落格上分享目前同名的YouTube頻道。不過,這支影片有介紹老子的修身、處事的三大法寶,想分享給更多的人。想想了,還是就寫寫吧。 這個系列,源自于想曬自己書房(儲存室)裏的東西演變而成的。不説其他了,直接進入主題。 老子的修身處事三大法寶: 1. 慈。 2. 儉。 3. 不敢為天下先。 詳情,請看影片。 更詳情,找書來看吧!^^

How to file a copyright dispute in YouTube

Scroll down to skip the long story in blue text. Last night, I recorded a song cover, made a video and upload it today. Immediately, I got a copyright claim upon upload.  I normally do nothing, if the copyright claim "looks" genuine. I am not making money out of my video, and I am not qualified for YPP either. What makes me feel upset this round and decided to file dispute for this is, the copyright claim appear silently. No notification on YouTube, no email. The copyright owner is someone, or something called CASH .  I got a copyright claim last year, for a song that I composed and uploaded in 2012. I got an email notification, and I disputed it successfully. In the email, it says " If something went wrong and the copyright owner or our system made a mistake, we have a dispute process. Only use it if you're confident you have the rights to use all the content in your video. " Because I was using GarageBand built-in song arranging loops, I was not so sure about ...

Setup VirtualBox and create new Linux VM

My Host is Windows 10. Here's the step to install VirtualBox and setup a CentOS VM. 1. Download VirtualBox and install. Download link : 2. Download Linux. My default choice always CentOS. Download link : I am choosing CentOS 7, as this round, I intend to setup TripleO to perform my OpenStack "lab". My CL210 subscription ended before the Support could fix the lab issue. Yes, this is not related to this article, but just my ranting. 3. Launch VirtualBox, and create new VM. There's no CentOS selection, so I am choosing Redhat as the closest option. Choose the right RAM size for your VM. Create new virtual hard disk. I normally use the default settings. This round I am using fixed-size. Pick your disk size. Hit the create button. 4. Network settings Click on the Settings icon of your VM. Go to Network. The NAT by default is setup. We will not touch it. This is the ...


長乘——一山神 西山經 西水行四百里,曰流沙,二百里至于蠃母之山。神長乘司之,是天之九德也。其神狀如人而犳尾。其上多玉,其下多青石而無水。 譯文:向西走四百里水路,就到了流沙,再走二百里就到蠃(luǒ)母山。這蠃母山是由天神長乘掌管,長乘擁有天的九種德行。這位天神形狀像人,長著犳(zhuo2 雲豹)一樣的尾巴。蠃母山上有很多玉,山下有很多青石,但卻沒有水。 昨晚,我是大概搜了一些在《山海經》的神,然後從中選了長乘。 從這譯文,沒看到什麽特別的。百度或維基沒給什麽資料,不過我卻在找關於那九種德行時, 看到有人説明了這九德指的是什麽 。 那么这九种德行是什么呢?即宽而栗,柔而立,愿而恭,乱而敬,扰而毅,直而温,简而廉,刚而塞,强而义。其义就是:态度豁达,又能恭敬谨慎;性情柔和,又有主见;行为谦逊,却又严肃认真;虽有才干,但办事不马虎疏忽,能够接受别人的意见,又不为纷杂的意见所迷惑,而能刚毅果断;行为正直而态度温和;从大处着眼又能从小处着手,简约而注意细节;刚正而不鲁莽;勇敢而守信义。 不過,根據郭璞的注解,九德是指九氣所生。因此也有人把這段瞭解為長乘無父無母,由天的九德之氣所生。 延申閲讀: 《山海经》无父无母的神:长乘 一段影片,說關於長乘 【山海经】天地的九种德行 蠃母之山,神长乘司之,是天之九德也 這個月的挑戰,完成了。沒有像之前的幾個挑戰維持每天的記錄,但是還是有秉持著從 Matt D'Avella的2-day rules - take no more than 2 days off 。