Scroll down to skip the long story in blue text. Last night, I recorded a song cover, made a video and upload it today. Immediately, I got a copyright claim upon upload. I normally do nothing, if the copyright claim "looks" genuine. I am not making money out of my video, and I am not qualified for YPP either. What makes me feel upset this round and decided to file dispute for this is, the copyright claim appear silently. No notification on YouTube, no email. The copyright owner is someone, or something called CASH . I got a copyright claim last year, for a song that I composed and uploaded in 2012. I got an email notification, and I disputed it successfully. In the email, it says " If something went wrong and the copyright owner or our system made a mistake, we have a dispute process. Only use it if you're confident you have the rights to use all the content in your video. " Because I was using GarageBand built-in song arranging loops, I was not so sure about ...
Previously known as jcrys26's kdb. A learning dump and sharing place.