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Basic MongoDB

This post is about setting up MongoDB in Linux. I am using CentOS 7.

1. Adding the mongoDB repository

> vi /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb.repo

name=MongoDB Repository

2. Install MongoDB

> yum install mongodb-org

3. Starting MongoDB service

> systemctl start mongod.service

4. Use the MongoDB

> mongo

Voila, you can start to use MongoDB right away.

For my project, I am preparing a YouTube database, based on a dataset that I got from YouTube 2 data set.

At the mongo shell, I am creating a database called "yt_data" with a DB user that is granted with readwrite access only to this database.

> use yt_data
> db.createUser( { user: "db_user", pwd: "db_pass", roles: [{ role: "readWrite", db: "yt_data"}] });
Successfully added user: {
"user" : "db_user",
"roles" : [
"role" : "readWrite",
"db" : "yt_data"

So, in order for me to login to mongo shell with this user account, I'll need to provide the credential, and also the database name.

> mongo --username db_user --password db_pass yt_data

Note, by default, mongoDB can be accessed without any credential. You'll need to do necessary configuration/setup for security measurement.

Reference : Install MongoDB Community Edition on Red Hat or CentOS
