This should be the third last topic that I'd like to share related to my RHCE course, but my brain just hang there without any progress. So I proceed with SELinux and firewall first. I am still trying to understand the networking terms, teaming and bridge are 2 new words that I learned from RH Admin III course. Actually, I still don't quite understand what is the usage for these. When I setup VirtualBox for this series of sharings, I started to understand more for bridge... Anyway, let me stay focus on the topic (how-to). The Network Manager commands (nmcli) are rather easy to use, if you know what you are trying to do. Network teaming I did some hacks to make 2 available interfaces, enp0s8 and enp0s10. Next, create a team master. This team master will configured to activebackup setting, i.e. one port/link is used while other reserved as backup. Now create the team slaves (team ports). Use teamdctl to see the status of the teaming. This is provided in teamd pac...
Previously known as jcrys26's kdb. A learning dump and sharing place.