Hi! I am Jonie Lim from Malaysia. This is my second week assignment for Introduction to Music Production on Coursera. I am choosing the topic to record a MIDI in DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). I am using GarageBand as my DAW. I am using GarageBand 5. Yes, it is a very old version, my Macbook is currently 5 years old. :P Firstly, I am creating a test project in GarageBand. I set the Count In as the click and countoff (this is what I understand what it is). I also turned on the Metronome so I could follow the tempo of the project that I have set, which is 120. Setting the Count In and Metronome Then, I created a new track selecting Software Instrument. Creating a software instrument track I have my MIDI controller connected to my Macbook. Got this MIDI controller last year when I have a chance to go to US. Haven't work out anything from it, yet. Thanks to this course, it help me to find ways to play with this! :D Connecting MIDI controller to DAW I can sel...
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