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Showing posts from 2012


Last post in June. My Rails learning activity is totally stopped... Maybe to continue after I am done with my web service study. Today, I learned about Blues. My teacher asked me, how are you going to explain Blues if someone ask. I said... err... I can only recall it's from the (黑人) Negros.. It's a way to express or sing about their life. That's all. My teacher asked me to Google later, but she did explain the basic "technical" aspect of Blues. It's a 12-bar chord progression looping, and it takes only 3 chords. ||: I7 | I7 | I7 | I7 | | IV7 | IV7 | I7 | I7 | | V | IV7 | I7 | (V) :|| Writing this out making me feel like writing a code. :P Found the wiki page for Blues . It's a long long page to be digested. :|

Extracting alternate items from an array in Perl

Hmm.. I forgot which web page I referred to, but this is a 2-liner code to extract the odd-th numbered items, or even-th numbered items in an array. :) use Data::Dumper;$Data::Dumper::Indent = 3; @array = ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ); $flag = 0; @oddth = grep {$flag ^= 1} @array; print Dumper(\@oddth); print "\n"; $flag = 1; @eventh = grep {$flag ^= 1} @array; print Dumper(\@eventh); print "\n"; output :

Rails - to create a blog site Part 3 [basic validation]

By default, there is no validation on the input on the form that we have created. The validation code shall be put in the model file. Oh, I just realize that I did not mention about MVC. MVC stand for Model-View-Controller. It is a kind of software pattern that separate the application into 3 components. The model is the application object, the controller defines the application interface, while the view defines the presentation. For more information, can go wiki to check it out. :) The model file resides in <root directory>/app/models. For my example, the file is blog/app/models/test_j.rb. The TestJ class is a sub class of ActiveRecord::Base . The attr_accessible is to specify what are the attributes can be updated. I tried to remove the tag from the attr_accessible and try to create a new record, this is the error observed. This is only experimental testing. I am not sure how this is to be done to have the error message displayed nicely instead of giving inter...

Rails - to create a blog site Part 2

Creating a resource. The format used is as follow : $ rails generate scaffold <resource name> <list of fields> Example : $ rails generate scaffold test_j author:string title:string tag:string content:text create_datetime:timestamp Create associated table in the database. $ rake db:migrate Then you are done! This new resource can be accessed by<resource name>/ For the example that I used, it would be http:// Click on the New Test_j link will give you the form that we created with the one line command earlier. Note that, the date time is showing current GMT time. I haven't figured out why/how matters. :)

Rails - to create a blog site Part 1

Tutorial that I am following is from this site : I choose to sudo as root to avoid the permission issue. $ sudo su Install Ruby $ apt-get install rubygems Install Rails $ gem install rails Create a blog application $ rails new blog Note : You might encounter this error. Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension To solve this, install sqlite before create the blog application. $ apt-get install libsqlite3-dev $ gem install sqlite3 -v '1.3.6' Create a database $ rake db:create You might encounter this error. rake aborted! Could not find a JavaScript runtime. See for a list of available runtimes. Go to the created blog directory. Edit this file : Gemfile. Uncomment this line : gem 'therubyracer', :platform => :ruby Run this (installing nodejs and also reinstall rails) : $ apt-get install nodejs $ bundle install To start t...

Function prototyping in Perl

Today, I studied some old codes from year 2003. It has very weird Perl syntax which I have never seen before. I did some testing using the following code. Of course, I did try and error until I got what the $;$ means. They are actually representing argument that is passing to the subroutine. One $ represent one argument. The ones before ; are required arguments, and the ones after the ; are optional arguments. My colleague is smarter, she found this link online : . There are a lot more to learn in Perl! use strict; use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Indent = 3; sub sub0 () {   print Dumper(@_); } sub subA ($;$) {    unshift @_, 'new from a';   print Dumper(@_);   goto &sub0; } sub subB () {   subA("a", "b");   subA("c"); } subB(); 1;

Blogger API - create a new post using JavaScript

I am a heavy Blogger user.I write blogs. I never thought of wanted to know Blogger API, but I do thought of get to know Google API. I am glad that my work gives me an opportunity to explore this, for work and for myself. :)  I'd like to thank Brett Morgan and also those responded to Issue 42 in gdata-java​script-cli​ent . Without them, I won't be able to complete this piece of code. And also, not forgetting the original source code that provide me the baseline to start to work at available here . This piece of code will do the Google account authentication and authorization process, it will then grab your blog list, and provide a simple form for you to select a blog, taking your new post entry's title and content, and then post it. I have tested on FF3.2.26, Safari 5, Chrome, and IE8. There'll be some prompts to proceed depends on the browser that you are using. Some special handlings were happened during my weeks of getting this piece of code in place. I can only...

git stash

To save a change without commit. This is to enable checkouts. git stash save "Your comments" To see the list of stashed changes. git stash list To apply the saved change. git stash apply To delete the stashed changes. git stash clear Reference :

Basic commands of git

1. To initialize and setup a git central repository > git --bare init central_repo 2. To push to central repo from clone > git push origin master 3. To check available branches > git branch 4. To create a branch > git checkout -b <branch name> origin/master > git checkout -b <branch name> origin/<existing branch name> 5. To reset changes on branch > git reset --hard <old branch name>