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Design Pattern : structural

  1. Composite
    1. It looks like tree structure, the end node is called leaf.
    2. All the node has uniform interface, thus they can be used/called via uniform operation/data structure
  2. Adaptor
    1. This is using another class to encapsulate the class to be accessed. Thus the caller will see/use the same interface regardless on how the class to be assessed being implemented.
  3. proxy
    1. This is acting as a middle man to handle the client requests and sever response.
  4. Façade
    1. This is using an interface to reduce the complexity.
    2. It packages the objects and methods
  5. Decorator
    1. This is for dynamically to add new responsibility / variation on the methods
    2. It will hold the base class pointer, and the real implementation on the child class or actual object.
  6. Bridge
    1. This is acting like multi-purpose adapter.
    2. It serves for multi-platform.
  7. Flyweight
    1. It handles the pool of resources that are shared by the clients.
  8. Private Class Data
    1. This is to put the private and readonly data into a class, and being initialized by construtor.
