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Showing posts from December, 2021

Random thoughts on log4shell

Just as I was with my daily random YouTube video clips watching, I saw one of my subscribed content put up this. This is one of the content I found so far, easier for my to catch up with this vulnerability details. If you prefer read than watch video, there's another online post about the related exploit at fastly is easy to read. Based on the diagram from this article, I think (maybe naively, and maybe it could be sufficient as a mitigation plan, I don't know), having the firewall rules to deny all with allow lists would be the best mitigation option while waiting for a patch. This stop the "query ldap" path at the first phase, thus it won't have a chance to go to the second phase from this vulnerability. Anyway, this log4shell vulnerability has caught attention widely since last week. It has been a disasterous event for IT team. They need to find ways to check if the servers are impacted? Look for automated ways to detect if this log4j library exists in t...