I'll share 2 ways of creating an iscsi target, and will show how to connect to the iscsi target from another machine. This is done in 2 CentOS machines in the same VirtualBox. I did try to connect to the iscsi disk from the host (Windows 7), and it works too! For networking settings, please see How to enable LAN network to access to web server hosted in Oracle VirtualBox I'll skip the partition setup and PV (physical volume)/VG (volume group)/LV (logical volume) setup in this post. Probably I'll find some time to write a about it (not so soon :P). This is my block list. Please note that, I have a LV setup at /dev/sda3 with xfs file system setup in the server, while /dev/sda4 is solely a partition. 2 packages you must install in the server, which is targetcli (to setup the iscsi target block) and targetd. Enable and start target service. Run targetcli to setup iscsi target targetcli is like another command prompt. You can do ls to list out the available tar...
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