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Showing posts from August, 2013

Some sharings on Oracle database and MySQL database

Recently, I am getting involved a lot on database related tasks. My previous jobs mostly deal with gdbm and MySQL. This "new" job makes me deal a lot with Oracle database and cdb. :) I actually never bother to get to know the special tables in the database. I need to do a tiny query on production server to get to know the number of records of some of the tables today. Imagine a database with thousands of tables. I can't be doing select count(*) from <table name> for all of the table names. In addition, I don't know the list of the tables of interest but only the pattern of the table names. Luckily, found this post : There is a special table host the tables information, namely ALL_TABLES . To get the list of tables in the database and number of rows for each table, run this sql statement in sqlplus. select TABLE_NAME, NUM_ROWS FROM ALL_TABLES; For MyS...

Accessing data in cdb file using Perl

See this post on cdb file related. Never knew this can be so easy, thanks to the contributors, see here . To install the library using cpan. Note, must use root to perform this as this will need the root access to create new file/directory. sudo cpan install CDB_File Say you have a cdb file created call abc.cdb with a key summer . Here's how you can get the value of the key summer . #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use CDB_File; my $cdb = "abc.cdb"; my %hash; tie %hash,'CDB_File',$cdb or die("unable to tie to cdb file"); my $value = $hash{'summer'}; print "$value\n"; Please note, if a key is not found, it will return a null value. Without the CDB_File library, the tie will not work, and will have this error message : Can't locate object method "TIEHASH" via package "CDB_File" So, have fun! :)